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How to Get Rid of Ingrown Hair on Pubic Area

Are you worried on how to deal with an ingrown hair cyst? Find more insight in this article including the best topical creams for treatment of ingrown hairs and hair removal tools.

How to Get Rid of Ingrown Hair

How to get rid of ingrown hair

Ingrown hair picture

Removing ingrown hairs is the best thing to do instead of leaving it to grow on its own because it can persist and lead to infection, scaring and darkening of the skin. To get rid of ingrown hairs consider the following:

  1. Use hydrocortisone

Consider applying small amount of hydrocortisone cream on the affected area. Simply use this medication at least twice a day or as per the packaged instructions for the right amount to apply.

This type of cream is effective in minimizing inflammation, so it will be easier for you to pull out the hair without causing irritation.

  1. Benzoyl peroxide

Use of benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid is an effective way to get rid of ingrown hairs on the affected part of your skin. Once infection occurs the tiny bump may be filled with pus, which makes acne medication effectively in addressing this issue.

Aside from using the medication, you should exfoliate your skin daily to make it easier for you to remove embedded hairs. As soon as control the swelling and inflammation of the area, it will be able to grow outward.

  1. Apply warm compress

Warm compress is very effective in getting rid of ingrown hairs

  1. To use warm compress:

Get a washcloth and soak it in warm water and gently press it onto the affected area. This technique will make the hair softer until it moves closer to the skin surface.

Once the cloth begins to cool down, soak it again in hot water and press it onto those bumps. If you cannot see the hair near the surface, just leave the hot compress on the area for another 5 minutes. However, if there is still no progress, you can just reapply warm compress after several hours instead of insisting on pulling out the hair and causing irritation.

  1. Lavender oil

Lavender oil can also help to reduce swelling in the skin infection and lavender oil helps reduce pain, it also has natural antioxidant properties and is effective in reducing inflammation.

  1. Use Retinoids

Retinoids such as tretinoin can speed up the clearing of dead skin cells, they also help to clear up dark skin patches that form because of the ingrown hair. You will need a prescription from your doctor for retinoids.

  1. Use creams

If the ingrown hair is causing a lot of redness and inflammation, your doctor may prescribe a steroid cream. This Topical treatment can reduce swelling and irritation around the ingrown hair.

  1. Gently pull out the hair

Once the hair emerges above the skin, use sterilized tweezers or a needle to gently pull it. Try not to pluck it out completely until the area is healed, or the skin will heal over the hair again. Don't dig into your skin because breaking through your skin could cause an infection.

  1. Stop removing the hair from the area

Stop shaving, waxing or plucking the hair from the area until the ingrown hair goes away. Scratching or picking at the ingrown will increase your discomfort. It could lead to skin infection or leave a scar.

How to Get Rid of Public Ingrown hair

Here are some home remedies to get rid of ingrown public hair.

  1. Warm-wet compresses

Warm water soaking will reduce signs of inflammation; pain relaxes the hair follicle and soothes irritation. Warm wet compress is an effective remedy for ingrown hair.

To use warm compress

  • Soak a towel in warm water and cover the affected area with this towel
  • Keep this towel at the affected area until its cold. Repeat this multiple times.
  • Repeat this thrice a day to get rid of the ingrown hair
  1. Sugar scrub

Sugar has exfoliation properties in nature. It absorbs the moisture on the skin and reduces follicles root density. It also removes dead skin and flakes the skin as a result the hairs can come out in fresh air.

To use sugar scrubs:

  • Take olive oil and white sugar in equal proportion
  • Mix them well to form a paste and then cover the affected area with this paste
  • With gentle pressure scrub the affected area in circular motion
  • After 10 minutes, wash off the paste using lukewarm water.
  • Repeat this twice a day to get rid of ingrown hair
  1. Baking soda

Baking soda has soothing effect on the skin and very effective in reducing hard lumps. It works as anti-inflammatory agent and reduces swelling and pain. It also removes redness caused by ingrown hairs which happens as a result of infection.

To use baking soda:

  • Mix 1 tablespoon with half cup of water
  • Now rinse the affected with this mixture
  • Rinse twice a day to get effective results
  1. Salt solution

Salt is an effective home remedy when it comes to exfoliation of ingrown hairs. It removes dead skin and skin flakes which are trapping the newly born hairs. Salt as natural anti-biotic it will reduce the redness caused by ingrown hair damage.

To use salt solution:

  • Take 1 tablespoon of table and mix with 2 tablespoon of olive oil
  • Using the mixture, scrub on affected area for 10 minutes. Make sure you are scrubbing with pressure
  • Repeat this procedural remedy twice a day to get quick results
  1. Honey

Honey has natural antibacterial and anti-microbial properties. Honey can be used to exfoliate the skin and remove dead skin cells. Honey is also potent and anti-septic hence doesn't have any side effects when used.

To use honey:

  • Take 2 tablespoon of honey and apply it over the ingrown hair
  • Rub the affected area in circular motion for ten minutes
  • Wash the affected area with lukewarm water
  • Repeat this procedure twice a day to get rid of the ingrown hairs
  1. Tea tree Oil

When razor bumps occur it comes along with pain and irritation. It happens due to bacterial infection after shaving your public area. Due poor shaving methods such as use of old blades public hairs don't get cut well as a result it get hurt and invites bacteria.

To use tea tree oil:

  • Take a sizeable piece of cotton and dip it into tea tree oil
  • Rub this over the affected area for three minutes
  • Cover the affected for 10 minutes and then rinse
  • Apply this natural remedy twice a day to get an ingrown hair out.
  1. Egg membrane

It not only gets rid of shallow ingrown but the deep ingrown hairs hence an effective home remedy.

To use egg membrane:

  • Take one egg and crack it half. Empty it and takes out the thin lining.
  • Now cover the affected area with this thin lining.
  • Allow it to sit until it dries completely
  • Remove the dry egg membrane on your ingrown hair should come out with it.
  1. Antibiotics

Huge and deep public hairs that are affected will need treatment such as Neosporin and Polysporin. They are usually prescribed by a doctor.

  1. Anti-inflammatory creams

Inflammation is a major cause of infection. To stop the itching, anti-itching treatments such anti inflammatory creams may be used. They relieve and stop the itching and allow the public ingrown hair to go away by itself.

  1. Exfoliation

The best way to get rid of ingrown hair on public area is to exfoliate the dead skin cells. Exfoliation reduces obstruction from dead from dead skin cells and allows hair to grow back out easily.

To exfoliate:

Take regular warm showers and using a washcloth gently scrub over the ingrown hairs to remove dead skin cells. Exfoliate before and after shaving. Other exfoliation agents include salicylic acid which you need to be careful using it on the genital areas including vaginal labia, scrotum, penis, shaft or near head for males, inner thighs and near anus.

 Ingrown Hair Cessation of shaving

An ingrown  hair is a hair shaved too close to the skin and that it curls and grows inside the skin which then results in little bump or inflamed red pimple appears where the hair should normally leave the skin.

To do away with the problem of ingrown hair as a result of shaving, here are a few shaving techniques   that you should try:

  • Avoiding shaving same area more than once. Shaving with the razor the same area several times weakens the skin and increases the chances of hair curling back inside the skin.
  • Use products formulated to prevent and treat ingrown hairs. Certain creams are formulated to fight ingrown hair, once applied the product penetrate the pores and increases blood circulation, strengthening the hairs and making it easier for them to reach the surface of the skin.
  • Choose shaving products that are easily adapted to your skin. You need to opt for products that counter the harmful effects of shaving example products formulated for normal skin hydrate and cooling of burning sensation while preventing redness and irritation.
  • Space your shaves as much as possible. If you avoid shaving every day to reduce the risks of ingrown hairs.
  • Regularly moisturize your face before shaving. A hydrated Skin is finer and more flexible; this gives hair an easier time breaking through. Apply your moisturizer every day, morning and night.
  • Properly clean and exfoliate your skin. As ingrown hairs find it difficult to come out to the skin surface, you can help by cleansing your skin of all impurities like sebum, dirt, pollution and dead skin cells. To do that, wash your face morning and night with a special formulated cleanser, then exfoliate once or twice a week, preferably the night before you shave.

How to Get Rid of Ingrown Hair Cyst

The following are medical treatment options for removal of ingrown hair cyst:

  1. Tretinoin (Retin A)

This is a form of vitamin A drug which helps renew the skin. It also helps to reduce skin plugging and increased deposition of keratin. Ingrown hair cyst can occur due to clogged pores and hardened skin.

Retin  A cream it helps to thin out the epidermis and removes the accumulation of dirt and dead skin cells from the pores. This reduces the chances of hair embedment and ingrown hair cyst.

  1. Anti-acne medication

Acne is one of the causes of ingrown hair cysts. Most anti-acne cream products contain salicylic acid and hydrogen peroxide which are very powerful in getting rid of ingrown hair cyst.

  1. Epilation

Epilation means removing of hair from any part of the body. This is commonly done by waxing, shaving or mechanical epilation. Ingrown hairs can be removed either through surgical epilation or manual epilation. Manual involves tweezers and diligent removal of the ingrown hair while surgical epilation is done in case of deep or persistent ingrown hair cysts.

  1. Electrolysis

In this method electric current is applied in multiple sessions to the hair follicle to destroy the roots. It is achieved through use of fine needle shaped electrodes. The best thing with electrolysis is that it can be done on any skin type and it is also a permanent solution to the problem of ingrown hair cyst.

  1. Cryoablation

In this method focuses mainly on the hair follicle in which case extreme cold is used to freeze and destroy the disease tissue.  The process involves use of nitrogen or argon gas. Nitrogen and argon gas is passed through a fine needle like application towards the target hair follicle. The best thing with this procedure is that it is less painful and a permanent solution to ingrown hair cyst.

  1. Surgery

Surgery is commonly used when removing large infected ingrown hair cyst. in this process the skin is covered with in a surgical cloth to prevent further infection or wound contamination. An incision of the cyst is done under local anesthesia. Surgery allows drainage of the infected ingrown hair cyst.

  1. Argon Laser or photocoagulation

Argon laser uses ionized argon as an active medium and passes as non-divergent beam of blue and green visible light. This process is called photocoagulation. The wavelength and pulsation of light is necessary  as it targets the hair follicle and destroys the roots of ingrown hair cyst.

  1. Antibiotics

Antibiotic creams can help fight and prevent bacterial activity in an ingrown hair cyst.

Erythromycin and benzoyl peroxide are topical creams which may prove to be effective in treatment of ingrown hair cyst. These creams should be applied twice daily until the ingrown hair cyst clears up.

  1. Corticosteroids

Corticosteroids act as an anti-itching drug. Itching and irritation are among the symptoms of an ingrown hair cyst. The commonly used corticosteroids are prednisonole and hydrocortisone.

Deep Ingrown Hair Removal

Deep ingrown hairs or embedded hairs are hairs that have grown through the wall of the hair follicle. When treating a deep ingrown hair, it's important that you control inflammation at the area while hair grows out until it breaks through the skin. To treat embedded hairs effectively consider the following.

  • Use a warm compress such as soaking a towel or washcloth into hot water and place it onto the ingrown hairs for 15 minutes. If the warm compress cools before 15 minute, dip it again in hot water and reapply for the remaining time. Repeat this twice per day.
  • Wash the area with embedded ingrown hairs with anti-acne or antibacterial soap while trying to tease the hair out of the skin.
  • Use over-the-counter topical antibiotics such bacitracin and triple antibiotic ointment to treat a deep ingrown hairs.
  • Inspect the ingrown hairs daily to see whether you can see hair above the surface of the skin. Once the hair is noticeable above the skin. You can now use tweezers to lift the hair up gently by slipping the pointed end of the tweezers under the hair loop and pooling up gently.
  • Use 1% hydrocortisone cream to the area. Hydrocortisone cream will help reduce inflammation, which will make it possible to remove the ingrown end of the hair.

How to Prevent Ingrown Hairs

There are numerous methods of preventing ingrown hair, here are some of these tips you need to try every time you shave:

  • If you are using electric razor, holding it slightly above the surface of your skin
  • Apply a cool washcloth to your skin after you shave to reduce itchiness and irritation
  • Wet your skin with warm water before shaving and apply lubricating oil such as aloe Vera gel
  • Rinse the blades with warm water after every stroke
  • Don't shave too closely to your skin. Leave a little bit of stubble if you can
  • Shave your hair in the same direction of hair growth
  • Use as few strokes of the razor as possible that lessens the chances of a hair slipping back into your skin
  • Shave with a sharp single-bladed razor
  • Every day, rub your face in a circular motion using a wet washcloth or an exfoliating scrub to ease out any ingrown hairs.
  • Clean and disinfect the shaving tools and equipments after every session when you need to re-use the same tools
  • Avoid shaving frequently to minimize the chances of razor bumps that trigger irritation.
  • Avoid wearing tight clothing
  • Use sterilized tweezers

Ingrown Hair removal Cream

Consider the following hair removal creams that are widely acknowledged to be effective in hair removal:

  1. MiN solution 2 Rollerball

This cream contains organic spearmint to clear congested skin, aspirin to exfoliate and propolyene glycol to help fight infection. It is applied just before shaving to allow hairs to stand more upright and preventing it from growing into the skin.

  1. Whish flawless Ingrown Hair Serum

This serum is made up with natural and organic ingredients which help to fight inflammation, soothe and regenerate the skin. It works fast in getting rid of pesky bumps and redness.

  1. Shobha Ingrown Relief Lotion

The cream is made up with Vitamin A, Chemomile and tea tree oil that help to exfoliate, moisturize and soothe skin. Use daily for to prevent ingrown hairs or stop small bumps. It is applied twice per day for effective results.

  1. Sally Hansen Zero Bumps

This cream is convenient and affordable with ingredients like aloe and Orange flower. It is made to be sprayed on after shaving, waxing and using hair removal creams to instantly soothe, prevent bumps and irritation while fighting ingrown hairs.

  1. Tend Skin Liquid

It is an extremely popular product. It is used to preventing and treating ingrown hairs, razor bumps, razor burn and redness especially from shaving, waxing and electrolysis.

  1. Bliss Ingrown Hair eliminating pads

This cream contains salicylic acid and other key ingredients which help to turn over the skin and exfoliate and prevent ingrown hairs from curling under the skin.

  1. Ultra-fast body smoothing AHA skin care Kit

This care kit helps to effectively massage out that ingrown hair

  1. Earth's Daughter Aloe Vera gel

Aloe Vera has antibacterial effect and help ease inflammation. When applied to ingrown hairs it helps to immediately stop itchiness and redness.

  1. LagunaMoon Tea Tree Essential Oil

This skin care product contains antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties that help heal an ingrown hair.

Ingrown Hair Removal Tool

There are many hair removal tools some cause ingrown hairs while some do not result in you having   ingrown hair after using them. The following hair removal tools have been widely acknowledged as to be effective in hair Removal. When used they do not have side effects of itching, irritation and inflammation.

  1. IPL (Intense pulse light hair Remover)

This is a highly effective hair removal treatment that is done by beauticians and salons. It uses gentle laser pulse technology to kill the hair follicle at its base, under the skin to permanently prevent hair re-growth leaving you feel hair free and fabulous.

  1. Epilators

Once a horrible, painful way to get rid of unsightly hair, innovation from Braun and Philips including massagers   have produced best epilators that are  effective in hair removal without any side effect.

  1. Lady shavers

A classic hair removal tool, Lady Shavers are quick and easy way to get rid of hair on legs, underarms and bikini areas there are many types of lady shavers from Philips, Braun Veet and JLM.

Further References

  1. Ingrown hair treatment
  2. How to get rid of ingrown hair cyst
  3. Genital Bumps and lumps

How to Get Rid of Ingrown Hair on Pubic Area
